Mario Acosta
2 min readNov 6, 2020

…It is 1941 and the Germans had conquered Paris, they took the country without much resistance. They have been bombarding our city, London, and our people are tired and weak. The German Luftwaffe keeps destroying our parks and buildings. The people can’t hold on in the British subway, we need the United States’ intervention. How long can we last like this?

England’s leader became a key for the victory of the allies during the second world war. And its leader, Winston Churchill, gave that needed push that everyone needed!

Winston Churchill's radio speeches became the moral pomp up to the British people during their hardest times. He didn’t really know how or what to do, he just knew that he needed to push forward. It was his relentless determination that eventually flipped the cards and make the allies won…


The book The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz is an amazing book of a .com entrepreneur and his struggles throughout his career.

The biggest lesson from the books is that you can’t really know how to become someone until you start doing it. He did not know if he should be the CEO of his company, his business partners and even employees did not believe in him. without knowing what will happen, Ben just kept going and going by solving every problem at the time. After 8 years of sweat, tears, and craziness, he was finally able to sell his…



Mario Acosta

Mexican that wants to improve this world and show people how incredible it is.